The Military Chaplain Flag and the Cross is under attack.

A radical group whose leader calls Christians in the military “monsters who terrorize” has just attacked a Korean War memorial in an Air Force base museum that includes a Chaplain Flag. The flag includes a Cross because the chaplain and his assistant being honored were Christians.

They call the Chaplain Flag, and especially the Christian Cross, “evil” and demands someone be “punished” if it’s not removed immediately.

It’s absolutely absurd and dishonoring to the memory of the chaplain and his assistant who saved thousands of children from being slaughtered by Communist invaders.

We’re taking urgent action, sending a legal letter to the Air Force base refuting their baseless anti-Christian attack on the Chaplain Flag and the Cross. They must not be allowed to use the military to dishonor Christians who serve and sacrifice. Take urgent action with us.

Petition to Defend the Chaplain Flag, the Cross, and Christians Who Serve Our Nation

Defend the Chaplain Flag, the Cross, and Christians Who Serve Our Nation

Read Full Petition
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