The radical Left is weaponizing the Coronavirus to force its extreme agenda on America.
An extreme Left, George Soros-funded group is trying to use the Coronavirus “to abolish the family."
And the liberal New York Times published an Op-Ed actually blaming Christians for the Coronavirus.
House Speaker Pelosi and her radical lieutenants in the House want to use this pandemic to “restructure things to fit our vision.”
This radical “vision” is exactly what we’ve been warning about.
We’re working around the clock to defeat these twisted attacks on the Church, families, and the Constitution. This is exactly what the ACLJ was built for.
We helped deliver a shocking defeat to Speaker Pelosi's radical Left wish list and billion-dollar Planned Parenthood slush fund tucked inside the Coronavirus relief bill.
Even during a crisis, our work does not stop; and we need you to stand with us to defend faith and family.