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Mayhem: The Left in Frenzy Following Vance’s Nomination

Mayhem: The Left in Frenzy Following Vance’s Nomination



July 16

4 min read

Radical Left



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President Donald Trump announced his pick for Vice President: Ohio Senator J.D. Vance. Will the young Senator (and author of the best-selling Hillbilly Elegy) be a good running mate for Trump in the presidential election? And to top it off, it’s the second day of the RNC, where ACLJ Executive Director Jordan Sekulow, ACLJ Senior Advisor for National Security and Foreign Policy Ric Grenell, and others on the ACLJ team appeared on a panel regarding the far Left’s lawfare against conservatives.

Let’s dive into Trump’s huge news drop yesterday, in which he waited until the last moment to announce that Vance would join him on the ticket. Some thought that a dark horse like Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin might be the choice, but the frontrunner all along, Vance, was the eventual pick.

Many have raised concerns about Vance’s initial less-than-flattering comments about Trump. However, if nothing else, it’s a great chance for Trump to show how he’s changed people’s minds after four successful years in office. Vance will have ample opportunity to articulate his change in perspective. This is America – you’re allowed to change your mind about issues.

The Left is already in a full frenzy over the Vance choice, and this comes after a widespread call for more civil rhetoric in the media. President Biden made three calls for less hateful speech, but elected officials in Congress are not heeding the call to tone down the rhetoric.

In fact, the DNC’s official statement yesterday claimed that Vance “embodies MAGA – with an out-of-touch extreme agenda.” Read other radical reactions to Vance’s nomination here that decry his “extreme MAGA agenda.”

So what does this say about what the Left means when it preaches to tone down the rhetoric? Obviously, the Left only wants to quiet the political opposition.

Last night featured a powerful moment when President Trump walked into the convention with a bandage on his ear. It was a stark reminder that his life was in grave danger just hours prior.

Trump almost being assassinated was an obvious failure by the Secret Service, and its leadership must be held accountable.

Jordan joined us from Milwaukee to comment on the need for accountability in the Secret Service:

The first thing that should happen is the head of the Secret Service should offer their resignation to the President . . . and there should be some other firings. But do we ever see that in the bureaucracy? Do we ever see that in these situations? And listen, we support law enforcement. They’re in tough situations. Every situation is not perfect, but we’re talking again 100 yards from the former President. . . . The advance team from the Secret Service who knew that this event was going on, probably for weeks, just totally overlooked these places that people could if they wanted to . . . carry out one of these assassinations. . . . Local law enforcement had to hear from local citizens that there was someone climbing up there before they got eight shots off. People should be willing to resign, and a lot and probably a decent amount of people, including on that advanced team from the Secret Service, need to be fired.

The Director of the Secret Service put out a statement that she will not be stepping down. We hope that something changes in the days ahead.

As we told you yesterday, the ACLJ is filing a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request to get answers about Saturday’s intelligence failure. We can’t afford to endanger future Presidents’ lives because of government incompetence. We will keep you updated on our FOIA. In the meantime, sign our petition to demand answers for this massive security failure.

In addition to this FOIA on protecting Presidents, we are also filing a FOIA regarding a Fort Liberty (Bragg) antiterrorism briefing that labels pro-life advocates as terrorists. It’s disgusting that anyone who believes in the sanctity of life should be viewed as a violent terrorist. We are demanding answers for how long this briefing was used and why proper authorities didn’t vet it. We won’t stand for the Department of Defense labeling almost half of Americans as terrorists.

Today’s Sekulow broadcast included a full analysis of President Trump’s bold choice of Senator J.D. Vance for VP. We also gave an update on the ACLJ’s forthcoming FOIAs against the Biden Administration.

Watch the full broadcast below:

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