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Did Kamala Just Break Her Campaign?


Logan Sekulow

August 19, 2024

4 min read

Radical Left



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Vice President Kamala Harris opined about the high cost of groceries and then announced her socialist plans to control food prices. The plan is so radical that even some in the mainstream media are pushing back. CNN explained how the government controlling the cost of goods “could create more problems than it solves.” A Washington Post op-ed called her plan “a gimmick.” Did Kamala just break her campaign?

Also, there’s another major problem, Kamala: The high cost of groceries, housing, and utility bills all happened during your Administration. You were the number two person in the country, so why didn’t you do anything to fix it?

Up to this point, we’ve only heard from the Left that the U.S. economy was in great shape. Now Harris is sharing a whole new message about Americans struggling financially. At the same time, we’re supposed to trust her to fix the economy that has plagued the country for the last 3.5 years.

Her proposal steals a page from the socialist and communist playbook from places like Venezuela and the Soviet Union. Pricing is out of control, so the government should decide how much companies can charge for goods. Nothing could go wrong, right?

ACLJ Senior Counsel and Director of Policy Harry Hutchison commented on Harris’ shocking proposal:

Javier Milei, the president of Argentina, . . . said, “If printing money would end poverty, printing diplomas would end stupidity.” Milei’s comments explain why prices are simply too high in the U.S. and why Kamala Harris’ economic policies are indeed unworkable and will backfire. So the Biden Administration . . . falsely claim[s] that the inflation rate, for instance, was 9% when Biden took office. In reality, the inflation rate was 1.4%, and the inflation rate peaked in June of 2022 at 9.2%. Kamala Harris, for instance, notes that the cost of a loaf of bread is now up 50% – that ground beef is up 50%. Overall, food prices are up 20%. So she doesn’t seem to understand reality, and she doesn’t understand who causes inflation.

The government meddling in the economy will only drive up inflation even more. Another newly unveiled Harris plan is to give first-time homebuyers $25k to purchase a home. Of course, that will only drive up home prices another $25k.

Kamala’s proposed economic plans have blown up in her face. Will the economy be a key topic at this week’s Democratic National Convention? We’ll find out.

Also, the ACLJ is filing its lawsuit today against the state of Massachusetts for its state-sponsored smear campaign against pro-life Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRCs). Billboards are spreading vile lies about the lifesaving work of PRCs. They are even encouraging citizens to report PRCs to state law enforcement.

We are taking the state to court. ACLJ Senior Counsel CeCe Heil gave us an update:

We are representing one of the PRCs. And we are filing today in the District Court of Massachusetts. We are stating that [the Massachusetts government] . . . can express their views. But in the very recent NRA case before the Supreme Court, [the Justices] were clear in saying what a government cannot do, however, is use the power of the state “to punish or suppress disfavored expression.” . . . In this case, they’re actively going after pro-life resource centers because of their pro-life message, because of their religious beliefs. And they cannot do that. [It] violates the First Amendment and is impermissible viewpoint discrimination.

In addition to our lawsuit, we are launching a full-fledged counter-campaign to the lies of the abortion industry. Our media blitz will share the truth about the lifesaving work of PRCs. Such a campaign requires immense resources. Donate today during our Life & Liberty Drive – gifts are doubled right now.

Today’s Sekulow broadcast included a full analysis of VP Harris’s radical price control plan on the cost of goods. ACLJ Senior Counsel for International and Government Affairs Jeff Ballabon spoke on the pro-Hamas protesters that plan to overtake the DNC in Chicago.

Watch the full broadcast below:

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