New bombshell evidence points to COVID-19 coming from a lab in Wuhan, China.

Even Dr. Fauci now admits the pandemic may have originated in the lab and has called for an investigation. But instead, the Biden Administration has shut down an investigation that was spearheaded by our own ACLJ Senior Counsel for Global Affairs Mike Pompeo when he was Secretary of State under President Trump.

As Americans suffered, businesses were shuttered, and liberties were trampled, the Biden Administration refused to adequately investigate the cause of the pandemic and hold China accountable.

President Biden has relied on the World Health Organization (WHO), which worked with China to downplay COVID-19, to investigate. After pushback, President Biden has somewhat relented, asking our intelligence community to report its findings. This is too little, too late.

President Biden and the radical Left have chosen politicization over the truth. From the beginning, it’s been clear: President Biden does not want to hold China accountable. We must keep up the pressure. We’re filing a critical records demand to get the truth, and we’re ready to go to court. Everyone should know the origins of this pandemic. Take action with us.

Petition To Demand President Biden Investigate the Origins of COVID-19 and Hold China Accountable


Radical Left

Demand Biden Investigate the Origins of COVID-19 and Hold China Accountable

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