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Jay Sekulow

March 3, 2023

4 min read

Radical Left



We’ve talked about the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI targeting conservatives, targeting concerned parents who dare to attend school board meetings, and even targeting pro-lifers. But now we’ve learned that some banks are joining the targeting fray, abruptly closing out the accounts of known conservatives.

As reported by Fox News:

PNC Financial Services Group Inc. abruptly terminated its business relationship with the news aggregation app company launched last year by Donald Trump Jr. and former Trump spokesman Taylor Budowich, Fox News Digital has learned, which the company called the latest move by “woke corporations” to silence conservatives.

MxM News was founded and launched last year by Trump Jr. and Budowich to compete with apps that aggregate news content for readers, like Apple News, Google News and others that conservatives have accused of censorship. The parent company of MxM News is ROCDIGITAL, LLC.

Budowich told Fox News Digital that he first learned of the abrupt closure of the company’s PNC account when he visited a Florida branch office to pay vendor invoices.

“The teller said he was unable to complete the transfers as the account had been closed and balance had been zeroed out,” Budowich told Fox News Digital.

Imagine you go to conduct your financial business and only then find out that your bank closed your account without warning, and the only reason is they don’t agree with your political beliefs. Or because they don’t like your last name. Who will they target next? Will banks shut down the accounts of normal, hardworking Americans if they see tithing to a church or donating to a conservative organization in their activity? It’s blatant political bias by a federally regulated institution and should not be tolerated. 

Our friend country music star John Rich joined us on the broadcast to discuss his involvement with a new bank, Old Glory Bank, which he, along with Dr. Ben Carson, Larry Elder, and other successful, well-known conservatives, formed to counteract this type of targeted harassment against banking customers for their political beliefs and affiliations.

As John explained, it was the targeting of truck drivers in Canada last year that first rang the alarm bells as to what was coming, and it inspired him to get involved in the financial sector:

We saw Justin Trudeau break the backs of those truckers when they were protesting by freezing their bank accounts, not only theirs but tow truck companies that refused to pull the trucks away. They also froze their bank accounts. Now you look down in Brazil at the protestors against the Bolsonaro election; they’re having their bank accounts frozen.

So now you see in America this starting to happen to businesses and individuals. Don Jr. is just one example of many. So we put together a new bank – we bought a physical bank in the great state of Oklahoma. It’s FDIC insured. We went through all the steps. It’s like any other bank you would ever work with; however, our credo is you will never be canceled for exercising your constitutional rights. Now the fact that you have to say something like that is quite a comment on modern-day America, but it’s where we’re at. I can tell you a lot of people fantasize about mass-canceling or mass-freezing our bank accounts when they don’t like what we have to say.

And he is absolutely right. They go after businesses and after bank accounts. It’s the weaponization of government and federally regulated agencies to force conservatives into silence for fear of this very scenario of finding out they don’t have a bank account anymore. As John said, it’s unbelievable that a bank would have to openly point out that they don’t close accounts based on political beliefs. It’s simply inexcusable, but here we are.

Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes more analysis of this intolerable move by PNC,  what it could signal for other banks and financial institutions, and the potential threat to you and your family’s finances.

Watch the full broadcast below:

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