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“Cheap Fake”: The Left Demands You Ignore Video Evidence Exposing Joe Biden


William Case

June 19

3 min read

Radical Left



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You’ve probably seen it with your own eyes: Joe Biden, dazed and confused, appearing lost and requiring physical guidance from someone to go where he’s supposed to go next. This scenario has played out multiple times in public and on the world stage. Quite frankly, it’s sad.

This week, an unedited video of Joe Biden on stage at a fundraiser in Los Angeles went viral because it showed him staring into the crowd before former President Barack Obama grabbed his hand, put his arm on Biden’s back, and slowly led the President off stage. Critics went wild. To them and millions of Americans, Biden looked old and unfit for the moment, much less the presidency.

But don’t worry. The Left insists that you ignore what you’ve seen and heard. Instead, chalk it up to a massive misinformation campaign from the Right. At least, that’s the talking point the Left has collectively decided to go with. In other words: Your eyes are lying to you.

On Monday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said:

They are cheap fake videos, they are done in bad faith, and some of your news organizations have been very clear, have stressed that some of these right-wing critics of the president have a credibility problem because fact checkers have repeatedly caught them pushing misinformation.

MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace slammed the “right-wing” coverage of Biden:

Both the articles are based on cheap fakes, videos of real events that are intentionally manipulated to fool viewers released on an RNC opposition research social media account with zero independent fact-checking of these so-called journalists and spread throughout the right-wing ecosystem.

Likewise, Wallace’s colleague Joe Scarborough echoed her message:

They know exactly what they’re doing. We’ve seen it now, these cheap fakes that the RNC keeps pushing.

But the Washington Post led the way with its reporting:

Such deceptively edited videos — known as “cheap fakes” because they misrepresent events simply by manipulating video or audio, or by leaving out context — have become staples of Republican attacks against Biden.

So what are “cheap fakes”?

This new favorite term of the Left sounds unusually close to the term “deep fake,” which describes the ability of AI to use someone’s voice and likeness to create a 100-percent fabricated video of them saying or doing something that never actually happened.

While creative, the term “cheap fake” – and the implication that the videos have been edited or manipulated – has not been clarified by the Left. So far, the Left has offered zero examples of “manipulation” or “editing” to the viral videos of Biden.

Unfortunately, “cheap fakes” might be the most blatant gaslighting campaign ever pushed by the Left. So where does that leave American voters? George Orwell’s eerily prophetic words from his novel 1984 answer the question for us:

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.

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