Christians are reportedly being crucified in the Middle East.

That’s right, crucified.

This latest atrocity – by jihadists in Syria – is part of a wave of Christian persecution that is sweeping the Middle East and North Africa, a wave of persecution worse even than in biblical times.

From Pastor Saeed imprisoned and beaten in Iran, to Meriam Ibrahim giving birth in chains in Sudan, to the slaughter of Christians in Iraq, Syria, Nigeria, and Kenya – jihadists are trying to wipe Christianity off the map.

It’s time for America, home to tens of millions of Christians, to stand up for liberty. It’s time for the Obama Administration to make religious liberty an international priority.

Sign the Petition: Stand with Christians in the Middle East

Dear President Obama and Members of Congress,

We cannot simply stand by and watch as Christians are systematically persecuted, imprisoned, and killed. We must defend religious freedom abroad. Exert maximum diplomatic and economic efforts to protect Christianity in the Middle East, home of the world’s oldest churches. Jihad must not prevail.



Stand with the Persecuted Church

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