Radio Recap – Reports Say WHO Helped China Cover Up COVID-19 Source & Statistics
U.S. intelligence is investigating whether the Coronavirus outbreak originated in a Wuhan lab as part of China’s efforts to actually compete with the United States.
On today’s Jay Sekulow Live we discussed the reports about the origins of COVID-19.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made the following point last night on Fox News:
You talked about the World Health Organization; they had access, and the Chinese Communist Party didn’t give Americans access when we needed it, at the mostly timely point, at the very beginning. The President talked about that today. And then we know they have this lab. We know about the wet markets. We know that the virus itself did originate in Wuhan, so all those things come together. There’s still a lot we don’t know, and this is what the President was talking about. We need to know answers to these things. We still have this virus out there.
This is breaking news from the intelligence community specifically about the Coronavirus and its origins. The reports are that it was created in a Wuhan lab. Now, there’s a line of intelligence thinking and a theory is coming together very rapidly within the U.S. intelligence community that this virus was actually created for China to show the U.S. that they could create a virus, release it into the public, and they would have superior medical capability to handle the outbreak of the virus in their own country.
What would that mean? They’re saying it wasn’t a biological weapon. To me, it sounds a lot like biological terrorism, if this is true. The way that they explained this on Fox News was that one of the individuals in the lab was directly infected with the virus and then went directly to the wet market, then the virus started spreading around China. Was the intent there to actually spread it amongst the Chinese people just so they could show how much better they could handle something like this than the United States.
That’s why we haven’t gotten clear information out of China about the real tolls it’s taken on their public, the amount of people infected, deaths that have occurred, and whether or not it is really under control.
My dad, Jay Sekulow, made the following point:
There’s 31,000 people so far, as we’re live on the air, that have died from this. If China did what is now being alluded to, this will be – as many sources are saying, the costliest governmental cover up of all time.
Now China is a huge trading partner with the United States so there’s a tremendous amount of geopolitical, geo-economic situations here. We have to be cognizant of that as we go through this.
If in fact this was the cover up that it appears to be, I think the concern for all of us – for the entire country, frankly for the world is that China unleashed this and covered it up. They’re only reporting fatalities of 3,000 people which can’t possibly be correct.
We want to get to the bottom of this.
You can listen to the entire episode with further discussion here.