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What Is Abortion Stigma? Planned Parenthood's Latest Propaganda of Death


Olivia Summers

April 15, 2015

2 min read




On March 10, 2015, Planned Parenthood posted its most recent attempt to normalize slaughter and deflect attention from the real issue of abortion—that it kills.

“What is abortion stigma?” is a four-minute video produced by Planned Parenthood and SeaChange. The video’s stated purpose is to “transform stigma, shame, and silence into visibility, openness, and empowerment.” But shame and silence are exactly what Planned Parenthood tries to force on those who view abortion as morally wrong. Planned Parenthood attempts to shame and silence communities, places of worship, and the media, and eliminate necessary health regulations by claiming that they “enforce the idea that abortion is morally wrong and unacceptable.”

Shaming and silencing those who object to killing unborn babies and support laws that protect the health of both the mother and child are supposed to create openness? At least twice in four minutes, Planned Parenthood lies to its audience by telling them that abortion providers are “forced” by state laws to give women “medically inaccurate information about abortion.” No, Planned Parenthood doesn’t want openness. It wants women to think that an abortion is no “different from other health care.” It does not want to openly and honestly discuss with them alternative solutions or the physical, emotional, and psychological side effects that result from killing their unborn child.

Why the push to make abortion a normal, common, and acceptable occurrence? According to the Guttmacher Institute’s 2014 report, abortion rates in the U.S. are steadily declining and were at an all-time low in 2011. Yet, during this same time period, Planned Parenthood increased the number of abortions it performed, with a record high in 2011. While national abortion rates declined, Planned Parenthood’s abortion revenue increased as it was responsible for roughly 30% of U.S. abortions in 2011. Clearly, Planned Parenthood has a stake in selling abortion, and what better way to increase its revenue than to shame the opposition and sell abortion with a catch phrase: “Together, we can make shift happen.”

By all means, let’s transform the abortion debate. Let’s expose Planned Parenthood for what it is—an abortion mill. Let’s be open about its agenda—making money. And let’s empower women by ensuring that they have accurate information about the devastating nature of abortion.

Shame on you, Planned Parenthood.

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