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The “Choice” Between Being Pro-Woman and Pro-Life is a False Dichotomy Steeped in Deadly Lies


Olivia Summers

January 19, 2017

4 min read




On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in the United States. Next week, the 44th March for Life is taking place in Washington, D.C.The March for Life occurs annually around the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, and is a means of ensuring that the truth about legalized abortion is nationally recognized and remembered: it is “the greatest human rights violation of our time.”

Since 1973, at least 58,586,256 pre-born babies have been slaughtered. The lives of nearly 59 million children have been sacrificed in the name of “choice” and “autonomy”, and those killing them have profited from their deaths. After being torn apart in their mothers’ wombs, the tiny body parts of these precious babies have then been sold illegally.  

Speaking out against abortion is vitally important to the pro-life movement’s efforts to end these atrocities. Silence and apathy kill; action prevents and protects. In order for us to live in “[a] world where every human life is valued and protected,” we must act. Thankfully, as of 2014, abortion in the U.S. reached its lowest point since 1973. But there is still much for the pro-life movement to do on this issue.

The abortion industry’s unrelenting argument that the pro-life movement is “anti-woman” is rebutted every year when tens of thousands of women of all ages join the March for Life. This year, Kellyanne Conway will be speaking at the March for Life. Mrs. Conway, among other things, is “the first woman to manage a successful presidential campaign.” On January 27th, as Counselor to the President and the “highest-ranking woman in President-elect Trump’s administration, she will also be “the first sitting White House official to address the annual march in person.”

This argument is, of course, flawed and unreasonable. The absurdity and hypocrisy of the pro-abortion movement most recently became obvious when it denied the partnership applications of several pro-life groups for the Women’s March occurring on January 21, 2017. The stated purpose of the Women’s March is to “send a bold message to our new government on their first day in office, and to the world that women’s rights are human rights. We stand together, recognizing that defending the most marginalized among us is defending all of us.

Ironically, the vision of the Women’s March is to “stand together in solidarity with our partners and children for the protection of our rights, our safety, our health, and our families - recognizing that our vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country.” Yet women who want to save children from the slaughter of abortion are shut out.

In fact, upon discovering that at least one of the groups seeking to partner in the march was pro-life, the Women’s March issued this statement: “The Women’s March’s platform is pro-choice and that has been our stance from day one. We want to assure all of our partners, as well as participants, that we are pro-choice as clearly stated in our Unity Principles. We look forward to marching on behalf of individuals who share the view that women deserve the right to make their own reproduction decisions.” Thus, according to their statement, a person or group cannot be pro-life and pro-woman.

Diversity is not really celebrated by the Women’s March.

Do you believe that women have an inherent dignity? Have human rights? Are equal to men in worth and value? Do you believe that they should be protected? Can be strong leaders? Do you believe that they should be treated with respect and dignity? Then you meet the requirements for being pro-woman. Great! But one last question, do you believe that women have the unequivocal right to kill their innocent unborn child?

The Women’s March isn’t really pro-diversity and pro-woman. Its real agenda, like the rest of the pro-abortion movement, is anti-child. It is perfectly reasonable and logical to believe in the worth and human dignity of women and their children. It not reasonable to believe in human dignity and also believe that children have no worth and can – even should – be sacrificed for the sake of autonomy and convenience.

The most marginalized among us are the unborn. Abortion is the greatest human rights violation of our time. And it is pro-woman, pro-life, and pro-humanity to say so! Join the fight for life. Take action, and let your voice be heard. Sign the ACLJ’s petition to defund Planned Parenthood—to protect the unborn. Be active and engaged, and together we’ll end legalized abortion.

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