Numerous states are banning elective procedures – including elective abortions – in an effort to protect public safety and to conserve critically needed medical equipment to combat the Coronavirus pandemic.

But Planned Parenthood is refusing to comply, still performing elective abortions.

This is infuriating. Planned Parenthood (which kills nearly 950 babies a day) can’t be given a free pass to take lives and put more people at risk while the rest of the country is working to SAVE lives.

We’re already working with states, successfully advocating they shut down elective abortions during this pandemic because killing babies is NOT “essential.”

But now Planned Parenthood is recklessly filing lawsuits to keep performing abortions, ignoring guidelines, and putting people at risk.

Our legal team is working around the clock, preparing to file critical amicus briefs in federal court to shut down Planned Parenthood’s elective abortion business during this pandemic. Take action with us.

Petition to Shut Down Planned Parenthood’s Abortions During This Pandemic



Shut Down Planned Parenthood’s Abortions

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