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Sen. Elizabeth Warren Threatens To "Shut . . . Down" All Crisis Pregnancy Centers


Jordan Sekulow

July 15, 2022

5 min read




Senator Elizabeth Warren just launched an ugly attack on pro-life crisis pregnancy centers.

Like most abortion-on-demand advocates, Senator Warren seems to still be reeling from the Supreme Court’s historic decision to overturn Roe v. Wade a few weeks ago. Just yesterday while speaking to reporters, Sen. Warren launched into a tirade against what she considers the real evil in the abortion battle, pro-life crisis pregnancy centers that have the gall to actually offer free counseling and medical help for pregnant women rather than immediately pushing them to abort their baby like Planned Parenthood.

As Sen. Warren stated:

In Massachusetts right now, those crisis pregnancy centers that are there to fool people who are looking for pregnancy termination help outnumber true abortion clinics by 3 to 1. We need to shut them down here in Massachusetts, and we need to shut them down all around the country. You should not be able to torture a pregnant person like that.

Wow, just like with many issues of late, it seems like the “woke, progressive” Left is having a hard time accepting freedom for everyone. Only those who subscribe to the new Leftist agenda, which includes abortion whenever, wherever, for any reason – even no reason – across the country.

Pro-life pregnancy centers have a right to exist and operate. In fact, aside from not killing unborn babies – which admittedly is a pretty major difference – the difference is, unlike Planned Parenthood, pro-life pregnancy centers don’t receive a fortune in government aid, which comes right out of your pocket. Remember Planned Parenthood devours more than $500 MILLION DOLLARS IN TAXPAYER FUNDING every year.

I spoke with Kelly Ross, Director of the Piedmont Women’s Center, a pro-life pregnancy center in Greenville, S.C., who refuted Senator Warren’s ridiculous, misleading attack:

We don’t actually take any funding from the government which I think is part of their problem. If we took money from the government, then they would be able to control us, and tell us what to do, and how to provide compassionate care. And you know, compassionate care starts at Piedmont Women’s Center and the host of 2,000 plus pregnancy centers across this nation. And I can guarantee you none of us torture women.

What we do is we provide them what Planned Parenthood doesn’t, which is somebody who is willing to listen to their current situation and circumstance.

That’s what Planned Parenthood doesn’t do. That’s what abortion clinics don’t do. They talk about choice, but they do not provide choice. They provide a singular, unilateral option. And the last time I heard, a singular, unilateral option is not a choice.

At Piedmont Women’s Center and at the other pregnancy centers across this country what we actually do is help people look at their current situation, we listen to where they are with their circumstances, and then we can provide them with true options. Whether that’s creating a parenting plan, whether that’s creating an adoption plan, whether there’s some assistance that they need, whether it’s materially, financially, we have all those resources.

And at Piedmont Women’s Center in Greenville, we’ve been doing this for over 30 years; and I’ll be honest with you, we’ve been doing it under some pretty difficult circumstances under Roe v. Wade. I’m excited to see how the pregnancy care movement grows and expands now that the weight of Roe is going to be lifted. And I’m not ashamed of what we do. I’m proud of what we do and how we serve clients.

We’ve defended pro-life pregnancy centers all over the country in state courts, federal courts, in New York City, and in California where the state tried to force pro-life centers to promote abortion services as an alternative. That’s as clear a violation of those pro-life workers’ free speech. The state can’t tell them what to say or what to think. But now we’ve got Leftists like Sen. Warren trying to steal their voices again, and permanently.

Not only is the Senator suggesting violating their rights, she has placed the safety and possibly the lives of the workers at these centers in jeopardy. We’ve already seen an alarming uptick in violent attacks against pro-life pregnancy centers, particularly in the weeks after the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion was released which indicated Roe would be overturned. Pro-life centers have been firebombed. And one pro-abortion domestic terrorist scrawled the warning: “If abortion isn’t safe, neither are you” across a pregnancy center’s wall.

The Left likes to say words matter. Well, Sen. Chuck Schumer threatened Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and wouldn’t you know there was an assassination attempt on the Justice by a pro-abortion would-be killer. What’s to stop a violent, or deranged, abortion supporter from interpreting Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s words as marching orders? 

No one is forcing pregnant women to go into a pro-life center. Nobody makes them take the counseling to heart. Pro-life centers don’t hurt anyone. They don’t put any lives in danger. Ironically that is probably why abortionists hate them. Historically abortionists like Planned Parenthood prefer when at least one patient doesn’t make it out alive.

The truth is the existence of these centers and their life-affirming options hurt the abortion machine’s bottom line. And after the blow it just suffered from the Supreme Court, abortionist lobbyists are desperate. So they’re trying to demonize pro-life workers, likening them to torturers for telling these women there is another option. It’s sick. And we won’t just stand by and watch.

The ACLJ has successfully defended the rights of pro-life pregnancy centers for years, and we will be prepared to do it again.

Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes more discussion of Senator Warren’s disgusting comments, as well as more with Kelly Ross about the lifesaving work pro-life pregnancy centers actually do to help women and save babies, and ACLJ Senior Advisor for National Security and Foreign Policy Ric Grenell discussing Biden’s trip to the Middle East.

Watch the full broadcast below:

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