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Planned Parenthood Launches Flashy, Deceptive New “Unstoppable” Abortion “Manifesto” Propaganda Campaign


ACLJ Staff Writers

August 8, 2018

4 min read




Big Abortion is launching a massive propaganda campaign to activate its supporters and attack life.

Planned Parenthood has rolled out an online initiative it calls “Unstoppable” – featuring pro-abortion artists and celebrities, and urging its supporters to sign an abortion “manifesto.”

The intent is to use music and flashy graphics to convince young voters that protecting free taxpayer funded abortion is somehow equated with civil rights.

The website includes a highly-produced video using a pop music soundtrack and relying heavily of imagery from the Civil Rights movement of the 1950’s and 60’s. The video, as does much of the site, urges viewers to sign the “Unstoppable” abortion manifesto. The manifesto states, in part, “We believe your body is your own. If it is not, you cannot be truly free or equal. . . . This includes access to abortion.”

The site mixes benign sounding rights alongside unlimited access to abortion – they curiously neglect to say taxpayer funded despite their recent legal efforts.

We recently told you about the proposed rule by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that would block organizations – like Planned Parenthood – that provide abortions from receiving taxpayer funded grants through Title X.

This rule will cut approximately $60 million dollars of Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding. Maybe not enough to shut them down, but this blow by HHS would certainly hurt.

Planned Parenthood’s website implies cutting their Title X funding –which was clearly marked “not for abortion services” – would be some kind of targeted assault on minority women and families. According to their website:

Those who would be disproportionately affected . . . are people of color, who are already more likely to face high-risk pregnancies due to systemic barriers that reduce access to quality, compassionate health care services and resources. At least one-third of the estimated four million family planning patients are people of color, with 21 percent of patients served identifying as African American and 32 percent identifying as Hispanic or Latino. “Putting more obstacles in the way of these patients’ access to essential reproductive health care and information would only worsen the existing problem.

What Planned Parenthood doesn’t tell you is that the rule change with Title X funding would not cut a single dollar from helping low income and minority families. The only thing it does is cut that money off from Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers. Thus, Planned Parenthood’s lie is once again exposed. It doesn’t care that these communities receive care; they only care that the money flows to the abortion industry.

Planned Parenthood doesn’t engage in family planning; it merely works at family preventing, which is how Planned Parenthood has made record profits.

The truth is the proposed rule would actually reroute money that has wrongfully been used to prop up abortion to actual women’s health services. Which according to the HHS website has been the exact purpose of Title X since its inception:

For more than 40 years, Title X family planning clinics have played a critical role in ensuring access to a broad range of family planning and related preventive health services for millions of low-income or uninsured individuals and others. Title X is the only federal grant program dedicated solely to providing individuals with comprehensive family planning and related preventive health services.

Planned Parenthood and its abortion ambassadors have zero compunction about distorting the truth to keep their talons clutched around every single tax dollar, and protect their massive empire of death. The depths of their depravity knows no bounds. There’s a reason they’re under federal investigation for secretly selling aborted babies – another fact they neglect to mention in their new manifesto.

Big Abortion knows the ground they stand on is quickly crumbling, which is exactly why they’re mounting this new campaign to rally their troops and put them on the offensive.

Big Abortion is activating their supporters in a full-scale offensive to stop Judge Kavanaugh – a constitutionally conservative jurist –  from being confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

As they desperately mount their abortion “manifesto” campaign, we will continue our tireless battle to defund Planned Parenthood and show our support for the proposed HHS rule to cut Title X funding for abortion.

We don’t need a manifesto to save countless innocent babies. We just need you to stand with us. 

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