Fighting Unjust Jury Award to Planned Parenthood Over Exposing Sale of Unborn Babies' Body Parts

Planned Parenthood Federation of America v. Center for Medical Progress
Fighting Unjust Jury Award to Planned Parenthood Over Exposing Sale of Unborn Babies' Body Parts
In Court

The ACLJ is representing Troy Newman, a former board member of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), in a federal lawsuit filed by Planned Parenthood. The abortion giant sued after CMP released videos from its undercover investigation that exposed some of Planned Parenthood's horrendous abortion practices. The jury ultimately found the defendants liable to Planned Parenthood and returned a verdict of more than $2 million in damages, even though the truth of the videos was not challenged and Planned Parenthood did not assert a defamation claim. We are protecting our client from Planned Parenthood's unjust lawsuit.

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