We’re on the precipice of defunding millions from Planned Parenthood.
Planned Parenthood aborts – kills – 354,871 babies a year – more than 950 lives a day. It now takes $618.1 million of your tax dollars a year – over $1.5 million every single day.
Planned Parenthood is profiteering from abortion, padding its bottom line by selling aborted babies' body parts, and bragging about taking your tax dollars.
This indescribable evil must end. Now.
For decades, we’ve been fighting in Congress and at the Supreme Court to defund Planned Parenthood. In a stunning reversal, the Trump Administration's U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a new pro-life rule defunding more than $60 million of our tax dollars from Planned Parenthood – all of Title X.
This is the beginning of the end for Planned Parenthood. But they won’t go down without a fight. Planned Parenthood and more than 20 states have sued to shield Planned Parenthood's taxpayer funding. And now the Biden Administration has issued a new rule to reverse the pro-life rule and send millions back to Planned Parenthood
We've filed legal comments to defend the pro-life rule and are now preparing a critical amicus brief at the Supreme Court.
Petition To Defund Planned Parenthood
Title X was never intended to subsidize abortion, yet Planned Parenthood receives as much as 41% of the funds. For too long, our tax dollars have been subsidizing abortion against our will. Defund the abortion industry.