The State of South Dakota and Governor Kristi Noem passed a lifesaving law requiring third-party counseling for pregnant women to protect them from coercion and misinformation on abortion.

For decades, the abortion industry has relied on deceptions, legal fallacies, and looking the other way when women are pushed into abortions. This billion-dollar industry cannot be trusted to look out for the interests of vulnerable pregnant women.

Planned Parenthood was able to obtain an injunction against Gov. Noem's pro-life law.

Now South Dakota is appealing the injunction to the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals, and they'll have the full strength of the ACLJ at their defense.

Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow and the ACLJ legal team are representing the State of South Dakota and the Governor against Planned Parenthood.

This flawed injunction must be OVERTURNED. Women must be given all the facts and protected from coercion before making such a life-altering decision.

As we prepare to take action in federal court to SAVE INNOCENT LIVES, we need YOU. Sign our URGENT petition.

Petition To Uphold Lifesaving Laws and Defeat Planned Parenthood’s Deception



Defend South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem’s Pro-Life Law To Save Unborn Babies

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