Biden's vendetta against life keeps getting more diabolical.
Now federal officials are kicking kids out of national museums for wearing pro-life hats.
After the March for Life, groups of students were accosted, berated, and kicked out of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum and the National Archives Museum – both federal institutions – for wearing hats with a pro-life, Christian message, "Rosary PRO-LIFE," and other pro-life attire. Museum staff and security shouted expletives and insults as they forced the kids to leave. THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT CANNOT DO THAT.
It's one of the most appalling abuses we've ever seen – blatant, unconstitutional discrimination and a violation of the First Amendment.
These students were humiliated by their government for their faith and pro-life views. The ACLJ is fighting back, preparing to take legal action against the federal government, representing several of these children. Pro-life speech CANNOT be banned.
Pro-life centers are being firebombed. Planned Parenthood has unleashed a litany of litigation. Lifesaving sidewalk counselors are threatened with jail. Pro-life nurses are being fired. The VA is, for the first time, performing abortions.
The ACLJ is battling like never before to defend the lives of unborn babies from the worst expansion of abortion we've ever seen and to protect pro-life Americans – including KIDS – from targeted attacks by the government. But as we go to court, we urgently need you to take action with us.