We’re preparing to file a new Supreme Court amicus brief to end dismemberment abortions.

We have been fighting, and winning, these pro-life cases for decades.

Our newest fight leads us back to the Supreme Court where the practice of dismemberment abortion is being challenged.

Some states have already banned this abhorrent practice, but the abortion industry is challenging these commonsense, pro-life laws in court.

Alabama’s dismemberment abortion ban has now been appealed to the Supreme Court, where the ACLJ is filing a critical brief.

We’ve been fighting for decades to defend innocent lives, but the fight is not over.

This disgusting practice epitomizes everything that is wrong with abortion. It must end.

You have a critical opportunity to join this fight. Together we can win. Take action with us at the Supreme Court to defend life.

Committee to Ban Dismemberment Abortions



Ban Dismemberment Abortions at the Supreme Court

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