ACLJ Testifies at Maryland State Legislature To Shut Down Two More Barbaric Abortion Bills
The ACLJ just took DIRECT ACTION to stop yet another gruesome abortion bill that could essentially eviscerate every pro-life protection in Maryland, and we went directly to the state legislature to help shut it down.
Since the fall of Roe, the abortion industry has been manipulating state courts and legislatures to expand abortion. Planned Parenthood wants the “right” to kill babies all the way through birth – even infanticide. The Maryland legislature is considering a new amendment to the Maryland Constitution in two identical bills, known as H.B. 705 and S.B. 798 – both similar to a previous bill that we also took action to oppose and that was, thankfully, shot down in the Maryland Senate last year. Maryland House Speaker Adrienne Jones, who introduced that original bill, claims S.B. 798 is intended “to affirm reproductive freedom in Maryland.”
This sounds like more abortion distortion from the Left. Once again, they’re overlooking the freedoms of those countless human beings still growing inside their mothers’ wombs, who deserve a chance to be born without the risk of being aborted before birth – or after.
As we told you previously:
This bill is even worse than the “right” to abortion that the U.S. Supreme Court erroneously found to exist in Roe v. Wade, an error that was corrected by the Supreme Court in Dobbs. H.B. 705 – if passed and voted on as an amendment – would make abortion a permanent right and strike down numerous pro-life state laws in Maryland.
These dangerous bills are ripe with opportunities for the Left to eviscerate pro-life laws and introduce even more ghoulish abortion legislation. Courts will undoubtedly use this bill to OVERTURN nearly every pro-life law and legalize no-questions-asked abortion through birth – for any reason or no reason at all – just as we’ve seen in other states.
We responded immediately, submitting swift written testimony pointing out how these bills are disingenuous in their intent and not only endangers countless babies but also the constitutional rights of the citizens of Maryland, whether they know it or not.
As we stated in our written submission opposing the House Bill:
House Bill 705 is yet another in a long line of bills to use euphemistic terms, in this case “liberty” and “equality,” in an attempt to sell Maryland citizens on a bill that completely strips a certain section of human beings – preborn babies – of all dignity and human rights. Moreover, the bill would eliminate the ability of Maryland citizens to enact their opposition to state funding of abortion, adopt laws that protect life and promote and elevate human rights and dignity, and legislate protections for those with conscientious objections to participating in abortion.
But we weren’t going to sit around and wait for the Maryland lawmakers to read our report. That’s why, in addition to our written testimony opposing both H.B. 705 and S.B. 798, our legal team took the fight a step further, traveling to Maryland to testify directly before the state legislature on behalf of the ACLJ and over 200,000 concerned ACLJ members, including over 2,500 from Maryland, who oppose the expansion of abortion and the use of their hard-earned tax dollars to fund it. We warned the members of the Maryland legislature of the “seismic effects” and horrors this bill would unleash. And we made certain every member of that legislature received a copy of our full written testimony expressing the ACLJ’s opposition to S.B. 798.
We exposed the hypocrisy of the radical Left’s claims that this is a safeguard to protect the so-called right to abortion after the Supreme Court’s historic decision – which the ACLJ and ACLJ Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow personally fought long and hard for – to overturn Roe v. Wade. As we explained in our testimony, the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs did nothing to change Maryland law with regard to abortion. It is blatantly deceptive for Maryland lawmakers to attempt to sell H.B. 705 and S.B. 798 as necessary to “protect” abortion. These bills are not only on the wrong side of history, but also demonstrate just how out of touch the proponents of extreme abortion are with what the majority of Americans desire and with scientific reality. In both cases, the answer is not to go back to the dark days of Roe, ever. But these bills are worse than going back to Roe. They would unleash more abortions than Roe ever did.
The radical Left has launched an all-out war on unborn babies in the wake of Dobbs. The ACLJ is fighting barbaric abortion bills that are rearing their ugly heads in state legislatures and courtrooms across the country. We are prepared to fight in all 50 states to defend innocent unborn babies and defeat these atrocious abortion bills.
We will continue to keep you updated on Maryland’s H.B. 705 and S.B. 798 and what, if any, legal action we are taking to stop these ghoulish proposals from becoming law.