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A Nation Mourns


Jay Sekulow

June 21, 2011

2 min read

Pro Life




Thirty-five years ago today, the Supreme Court issued its decision in Roe v. Wade.  I thought it would be appropriate to put forward some of the key quotes from Sarah Weddington, the lawyer representing the pro-abortion organizations.  In this, you will see that what started in 1973 has now had awful consequences.  In fact, the arguments she made representing the pro-abortion position became self-fulfilling prophecies.   Weddington presented the following oral arguments in that case: 


The Texas law in question permits abortions to be performed only in instances where it is for the purpose of saving the life of the woman.
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Certainly there are problems regarding even the use of contraception.  Abortion now, for a woman, is safer than childbirth.  In the absence of abortions - or legal medically safe abortions - women often resort to the illegal abortions, which certainly carry risks of death, all the side effects such as severe infections.
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If the pregnancy would result in the birth of a deformed or defective child, she has no relief.  I think it's without question that pregnancy to a woman can completely disrupt her life.
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It disrupts her body.  It disrupts her education.  It disrupts her employment. And it often disrupts her entire family life.  And we feel that, because of the impact on the woman, this certainly - in as far as there are any rights which are fundamental is a matter which is of such fundamental and basic concern to the woman involved that she should be allowed to make the choice as to whether to continue or to terminate her pregnancy.
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The good news is that we are starting to see significant victories in court.  As Justice Scalia stated during the oral argument in the partial-birth abortion case:


neither Roe nor Casey are written in the Constitution. They may not have mentioned all of the -- all of the appropriate interests that may be taken into account. Why is it not an appropriate interest that the State is worried about rendering society callous to infanticide?
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The Supreme Courts decision in the partial-birth abortion case is a huge victory for the life issue, and I believe it has put the momentum in our direction.  We will continue to fight for life!



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