A Christian pastor on trial faces 12 years in prison for his Christian faith.
In Sudan, there is a deadly crackdown on Christians.
Two Christian pastors – Rev. Hassan Abduraheem and Rev. Kuwa Shamal – were arrested and imprisoned by Sudan’s Islamist Security Services on trumped-up national security charges because of their Christian faith.
While your advocacy helped free Pastor Kuwa, Pastor Hassan has now been sentenced to 12 years in prison because of his Christian faith.
At the ACLJ, we’re launching a massive international legal advocacy campaign, mobilizing our global resources – including our offices in the region – demanding this innocent Christian pastor be freed.
He could be sentenced to hang for his faith if the world is silent.
Christian Pastor Hassan needs your voice now. Time is of the essence, as Pastor Hassan begins the appeal process.
Other Christians persecuted in Sudan are now free because you spoke out. Be heard again today.