Christians around the world are in grave danger. The ACLJ is literally FIGHTING FOR THEIR LIVES.
In countries around the globe, Christians are being targeted by radical Islamists and hostile government regimes.
Innocent Christians face harassment, violence, abduction, imprisonment, and even death. Others are being discriminated against, losing personal freedoms, and even being forced to leave their homes because of their Christian faith.
Christians are being slaughtered, and international leaders are doing little to stop it.
At the ACLJ, we are dedicated to defending persecuted Christians, and our work is needed NOW MORE THAN EVER.
We are redoubling our efforts to defend persecuted Christians. We are mobilizing our global offices, continuing our effective work on Capitol Hill, and preparing to take bold action in what may be the largest collection of written submissions we’ve ever made at the U.N.
We must take action for persecuted Christians before it is too late. Be their voice. Sign our urgent petition.