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ACLJ Delivers Critical Written Submission to U.N., Files Lawsuit Against Biden Admin, as More Christians Are Murdered or Kidnapped – Including Four Catholic Nuns – in Nigeria


Jordan Sekulow

September 2, 2022

5 min read

Persecuted Church



In what should be a sickening irony, innocent Christians are suffering utter devastation in Nigeria. And no one is safe.

The ACLJ just took direct action at the U.N. to demand intervention to SAVE DYING CHRISTIANS.

Violent Islamic militias are actively targeting Christians for slaughter. Just recently we told you how at least 50 Christians were mercilessly slaughtered as they worshiped in a church in Nigeria.

And it was literally just a matter of days later that we told you how ISIS terrorists slaughtered some 20 Christians in a revenge attack by forcing them to their knees and killing them from behind their backs, demonstrating what depraved cowards the jihadists truly are. They killed Nigerian Christians for the deaths of ISIS members in the Middle East.

And it isn’t just worshipers who are in danger. These vile terrorists are targeting clergy as well. We reported on Christian Pastor Lawan Andimi who was kidnapped and later beheaded by Boko Haram simply because he was living his Christian faith and spreading the gospel in Nigeria.

And now we’ve just learned that four Catholic nuns have been kidnapped by dangerous gunmen as they traveled on a Nigerian highway.

Nigerian President Buhari has condemned such acts of terror on Twitter, but beyond that, little to nothing has been done by the government to stop the violence and bloodshed against Christians.

And even here at home, President Joe Biden’s actions have betrayed Nigeria’s Christians and made it even easier for radical Islamic jihadists to hunt them down. When he was Secretary of State under President Donald Trump, ACLJ Senior Counsel for Global Affairs Mike Pompeo officially designated Nigeria as a Country of Particular Concern (CPC) for its “engaging in or tolerating ‘systematic, ongoing, egregious violations of religious freedom.’” Sec. Pompeo actually credited the work of the ACLJ as influencing that decision.

But then as we told you, once in office, President Biden actually REMOVED Nigeria from the CPC list. What we still don’t understand is why? It certainly couldn’t be because the danger to Christians had subsided. Just the few deadly, unprovoked attacks such as the ones above should be enough to prove otherwise, but there are sadly plenty more to report.

Removing Nigeria from this critical watch list is akin to abandoning Nigeria’s Christians in a war zone with no way to defend themselves. It’s worth noting that the Biden Administration removed Nigeria from the CPC list just one day before Biden Secretary of State Antony Blinken was scheduled to visit the nation. Whatever the reason, it’s an unjustifiable betrayal of these defenseless Christians. And we’re not standing idly by.

First, we filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request against the Biden Administration, asking for any and all records pertaining to the decision to remove Nigeria from the “Country of Particular Concern” list. We also sent a letter directly to Sec. Blinken, demanding that the CPC designation be reinstated and Nigeria be placed back on the persecution watch list in order to aid these dying Christians. But as is consistent with his strategy since taking office, President Biden and his team completely ignored our FOIA, leaving us no choice but to launch our two-front campaign, one here at home and one on the world stage, to protect and aid these dying Christians.

Our first salvo is the urgent lawsuit which we just filed against the Biden State Department to make them answer for betraying Nigeria’s suffering Christians. And we also just filed a critical written submission at the U.N. Human Rights Council (HRC) in Geneva, Switzerland, through our European affiliate office, the European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ), urging the global body to condemn the violence against Christians and intervene to protect them before it’s too late. But this was far from the first time we’ve told them about the atrocities happening to Nigeria’s Christians, as we stated in our submission:

We have submitted to this Council numerous reports detailing the atrocities being carried out against Christians for simply practicing their faith. The reports include children being kidnapped from schools and gunmen entering churches and firing indiscriminately, killing men, women, and children. In order for Christians to have a future in Nigeria, immediate and meaningful action must be taken to stop the senseless violence.

We want nothing more than for this to be the last time we have to go to the U.N. HRC on behalf of Nigerian Christians. But that would require swift action by the U.N. to pressure Nigeria’s government to stop the violence and direct intervention to save dying Christians.

As our submission concluded:

Christians in Nigeria continue to suffer daily because of a lack of meaningful intervention by both the government of Nigeria and the international community. This lack of action will only lead to more death and destruction. In 2021, a Christian in Nigeria was killed on average every two hours. This year is no different. The people who are suffering on a daily basis need help and they need help now. The international community cannot afford to waste another day.

We are hopeful that the members of the U.N. HRC will choose to stand here and now to help save these dying Christians before it’s too late. And we will continue to file written submissions and deliver crucial oral interventions on behalf of our terrified brothers and sisters in Christ until they do.

And since President Biden continues to refuse to cooperate, as has been the Administration’s modus operandi whenever we’ve tried to hold them accountable, we have filed our lawsuit to hold them accountable for their abandonment of Nigeria’s Christians. Nigerian Christians – men, women, and children – are being slaughtered for their faith and it has to stop NOW.

Together we can help save dying Christians. Sign our URGENT petition NOW.

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