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Senator Johnson: ObamaCare “Greatest Assault on Freedom in our Lifetimes”


Matthew Clark

February 9, 2012

2 min read




Senator Ron Johnson (WI) says that ObamaCare is the “greatest assault on freedom in our lifetimes.” In fact, it is the reason he got involved in politics in the first place.

I spoke with Senator Johnson at the 2012 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, DC, regarding ObamaCare. He is thankful for groups like the ACLJ who are actively engaged in the fight against this law at the Supreme Court.

He is “concerned” about the practical effect that ObamaCare will have on our national debt and deficit, plunging our nation down a dangerous road.

He is spearheading an effort to urge the CBO to revise its estimates on the cost of President Obama’s healthcare law. He said that if you take an honest assessment of the law, it gives employers the choice between paying upwards of $15,000 for an employee’s health insurance or pay a $2,000 fine. He noted that employers would not be leaving their employees totally in the cold, because ObamaCare creates special eligibilities for such employees.

He said that “according to employer surveys” 30 to 50 percent of employers will do the math and drop coverage for their employees. And with nearly 180 million American’s dependant on employer-provided insurance, that could leave 90 million Americans without healthcare and in need of government subsidized health insurance.

When this happens, it will cost American taxpayers, not the CBO estimated 100 billion dollars, but up to 1 trillion dollars.

Senator Johnson believes that ObamaCare was “designed to create a single payer system,” and that ObamaCare itself is just the “tip of the iceberg.”

It is not just the cost that worries the Senator, he is very “concerned” about the affect this law will have on the quality of care available to all Americans.

So what can be done about ObamaCare?

Senator Johnson believes that in addition to battling it at the Supreme Court, there are practical things that can be done in Congress and the U.S. Senate.

He told me that if Republicans win the Senate he believes that through reconciliation, which is how ObamaCare became law in the first place, and especially through the budget process, serous steps can be taken to “knock it down.”

The ACLJ is taking action as well. Just yesterday we filed our latest amicus brief with the Supreme Court representing 119 Members of Congress and over 100,000 Americans.

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