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Biden's $350 Million Fail Ahead of Trump Debate

Biden's $350 Million Fail Ahead of Trump Debate


Jordan Sekulow

June 20

4 min read




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Just a week before the first 2024 presidential debate, we have the shocking news that President Biden’s failed floating pier in Gaza for humanitarian aid – potentially costing upward of $350 million in taxpayer dollars – could be torn down as early as July. President Trump should be able to capitalize on this talking point during his head-to-head showdown with Biden.

The U.S. government has admitted that it has already spent at least $230 million on the floating pier that worked for only 10 days. The water was too rough for this kind of project in the region, leading to a host of issues with the pier – and don’t forget the attacks by terrorists, putting our military at risk as they manned the project.

Now the Administration is looking to dismantle the pier, which will cost millions. All in all, the total cost of this failed project could be approximately $350 million.

The question on everyone’s mind is, did this pier actually accomplish anything to provide humanitarian aid in Gaza? The Pentagon admitted that none of the 7.7 million pounds of supplies reached the intended Gaza civilians. In other words, almost everything on the pier was taken immediately by Hamas to feed and fuel future terrorism.

President Biden’s pathetic PR stunt during his State of the Union address has backfired immensely. He wanted to appease the far-Left radicals by saying that he was sending aid to Gaza. However, nothing went according to plan, which shouldn’t be a surprise. From the start, the idea of building a floating pier in a hostile environment seemed doomed from the start.

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has been an outspoken critic of Biden’s plan to build a floating pier. He joined our broadcast to comment on how Biden’s lack of leadership has led to an alliance between North Korea and Russia:

This just fortifies this alliance between this group of evildoers, the Iranians, the Chinese Communist Party, and now the North Koreans and the Russians are all working together to undermine the U.S. For the Biden Administration to have allowed this to happen . . . [is just] one more failed set of policies from a very weak and, frankly, failing Administration. The next six or seven months are going to be an incredibly dangerous time for the U.S.

When Secretary Pompeo was in Trump’s cabinet, the U.S. had ongoing talks with North Korea and Russia that helped prevent such a dangerous alliance. However, by failing to lead on the world stage, the Biden Administration is creating a volatile situation.

As mentioned, we are officially a week away from the presidential debate.

Biden-approved rules are being implemented for the debate at Camp David: Mics will be cut off, no audience will be present, etc. Regardless, I believe we’ll see a record-setting number of viewers.

Former U.S. Representative Tulsi Gabbard knows firsthand what it’s like to be on the national debate stage. She commented on the upcoming debate:

Having stood on that debate stage a number of times, I can tell you my expectations of the moderators are fairly low. Because we know very well that for them, it’s about ratings and political theater. I think they’re going to try to create as many of those clickbait-type moments and gotcha questions. President Trump will primarily be their target given the host [CNN] of the debate. . . . [Trump] knows he’s not just debating one person – he’s debating three people, including the moderator. He’s quick on his feet. I imagine he will have quick responses no matter what comes his way with President Biden.

It will be fascinating to see how the first debate unfolds in a week. We will be covering it extensively.

Today’s Sekulow broadcast included a full analysis of President Biden’s $350 million floating disaster in Gaza and the upcoming presidential debate.

Watch the full broadcast below:

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