ISIS – the Islamic State – attacked America.

Last December, a couple unleashed jihadist terror at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, slaughtering 14 and injuring 21 more. 

And now, in the largest terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11, 49 Americans were massacred and dozens more were injured at a Florida night club. 

All of these terrorists pledged loyalty to ISIS.

ISIS continues to call for radical Islamic jihadists in America to attack soft targets to do maximum damage. This is exactly what happened.

ISIS is at war with America. Yet, President Obama refuses to acknowledge the threat.

We’ve been raising the alarm for years, literally writing the book on ISIS and how to defeat it. We’re aggressively working in Congress to fight back.

We must destroy ISIS. Add your name today:

Petition to Defeat and Destroy ISIS

To Congress and President Obama:

ISIS is not “contained.” If we don’t defeat ISIS, it will continue to kill Americans. Destroy ISIS now to protect America.

Protect America; Defeat & Destroy ISIS

Read Full Petition
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