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Obama Admin. Can’t Rule Out The Possibility That The Nuclear Deal Is Actually Strengthening Iran


Jordan Sekulow

September 14, 2016

4 min read

National Security



We’ve said it from the beginning. It’s been obvious to anyone who looks at the facts.

When the United States entered into nuclear negotiations with Iran and allowed them to have all the leverage by requiring no preconditions such as the release of wrongfully imprisoned Americans, Iran was emboldened.

When the nuclear deal was finalized and implemented, things got even worse for the United States, Israel, and global stability – but things continued to get better for Iran, the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism.

In recent months, Iran has increasingly flexed its muscles, even against the United States military.

This past weekend, Iran threatened to shoot down two U.S. Navy surveillance aircraft. This is merely the latest in a long pattern of aggressive Iranian behavior since the nuclear deal was implemented. They have been harassing U.S. navy warships, conducting ballistic missile tests in violation of international law, fired rockets close to U.S. ships, and held U.S. sailors captive for nearly an entire day.

Even the Obama Administration is now acknowledging that it can’t rule out the possibility that  the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism was strengthened, not contained, by the nuclear deal.

The Washington Examiner has more details:

The State Department can't rule out the possibility that last year's nuclear agreement has emboldened Iran into becoming more confrontational with the United States.

"I can't rule that out," department spokesman Mark Toner said when asked on Tuesday. "Iran, like many countries, has an internal political process that's defined by a lot of different dynamics, but I can't give an assessment in that regard one way or the other."

Toner admitted the U.S. has seen some "disturbing" trends with Iran, such as increased harassment of U.S. military assets in the region. But Toner said that makes the nuclear agreement all the more valuable, since Iran is at least not able to become more aggressive at the same time that it pursues nuclear weapons.

"In our view, it only makes the significance of the nuclear agreement that much more important, because the last thing anyone would want to see in the region is a nuclear-armed Iran," he said.

Even now,  the Obama Administration continues to fecklessly double down on its past mistakes that make our nation and the world less secure and less stable.

That’s probably because they know the billions of dollars they’ve handed over to Iran are being used to fund terrorism and jihad against us and our allies around the world.

In fact, a new report just released reveals that tens of millions of dollars in cash paid by the U.S. to Iran actually went to fund Iran’s global terrorism operation including organizations responsible for the murder of U.S. citizens.

The Obama Administration knows  that their lies and cover-up attempts about the Iran deal have been exposed by our lawsuit against the Obama Administration’s State Department.

We won’t stop fighting in federal court to get the answers because we know it’s about more than just our government’s corruption – it’s a matter of global stability and security in the face of threats from the Islamic Republic of Iran, the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism.

Iran and radical Islamic jihadists are part of an unholy alliance that is threatening our nation and our way of life. You can learn more about this threat and what can be done to counter this threat in my Dad’s new book, “Unholy Alliance: The Agenda Iran, Russia, and Jihadists Share for Conquering the World.”

You can pre-order your copy below:

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