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Ministry of Truth 2.0: DHS Resurrects Obama-Era Spies

Ministry of Truth 2.0: DHS Resurrects Obama-Era Spies


Logan Sekulow

September 21, 2023

4 min read

National Security



President Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas recently appointed the Obama-era “spies who lied” about the Hunter Biden laptop scandal to a new U.S. intelligence panel. These appointees will be part of the “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group.”

The New York Post reports:

The so-called “spies who lied” — former CIA director John Brennan, former National Intelligence Director James Clapper, and former CIA senior operations officer Paul Kolbe — will serve on the Department of Homeland Security’s recently-announced “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group” panel.

In that capacity, they will offer their insights about national intelligence matters to the department’s Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis Ken Wainstein and Counterterrorism Coordinator Nicholas Rasmussen.

But are these men qualified to serve after they were part of the 51 intelligence officials who signed the October 2020 letter that falsely refuted the New York Post’s exposé on Hunter Biden? Don’t forget that this happened just three weeks before the 2020 presidential election.

These 51 officials all claimed that Russian collusion was the culprit behind the laptop scandal – a claim that has since been debunked. In fact, the Obama-Biden intelligence community conspired to create a “Russian disinformation” campaign to bury negative press about Hunter. This Deep State cover-up is tantamount to election interference and helped Joe Biden win the White House.

Former Acting Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell joined our broadcast and condemned Mayorkas’ decision:

I don’t think that these individuals [the “spies who lied”] should be added to imports. Their clearances should be taken away. Let’s remember that they interfered in the 2020 election. Manipulated the election by pretending that there was a false, fake Russian laptop that was duping people into looking at information that somehow said the Bidens were getting money and that Hunter Bien was a drug addict. Turned out they were wrong. The laptop was real. But we should never excuse the fact that they, . . . three weeks before the 2020 election, tried to dupe the American people.

Grenell is exactly right. We can’t appoint people to positions who have been politically compromised. Instead, we need the Secretary to take his job seriously and shut down the sieve that is our southern border.

As we’ve told you, drug trafficking (such as deadly fentanyl), human trafficking, and illegal immigration are at an all-time high along the border. The Biden Administration must take action to secure our border.

Vice President Kamala Harris has made headlines after she decried the “climate anxiety” that young people are experiencing:

You know, I've heard young leaders talk with me about a term they've coined, “climate anxiety,” . . . [w]hich is fear of the future and the unknown of whether it makes sense for you to even think about having children, whether it makes sense for you to think about aspiring to buy a home because what will this climate be?

Now let’s step back and think about what she just said. If you’re in your 20s, what does climate change have to do with you deciding where to live right now? Will the climate be so out of control within ten years that your home will be jeopardized or your children will suffer?

Instead, let’s consider what VP Harris didn’t mention as the true motivation for young people’s anxiety: home prices (and mortgage rates), grocery prices, and gas prices. Most young people simply can’t afford to pursue their American Dream because of the disastrous policies of the current Administration.

We hope that the Biden White House addresses the real issues affecting Americans: a porous border and a stagnant economy.

Today’s Sekulow broadcast also included a conversation with ACLJ Senior Counsel for Global Affairs Mike Pompeo, who spoke about the growing optimism for improving relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia as well as Biden’s failures to secure the southern border.

Watch the full broadcast below:

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