Biden’s weak national security apparatus led to two deadly terrorist attacks on New Year’s Day.
Biden’s FBI has been wrongheadedly focused on prosecuting Trump and placing spies in “radical traditionalist” Christian churches. In fact, the one common element between both New Year’s Day terrorists is that they both served at Fort Liberty (formerly Fort Bragg) – which for years has been outrageously training soldiers that pro-lifers (like our clients and anyone who has a Choose Life license plate) are “terrorist groups.”
It is vitally important that the Senate quickly confirm President Trump’s national security team – including our very own colleague Tulsi Gabbard as DNI. The FBI, DOJ, DOD, and the entire national security team must begin the critical work of actually protecting America.
Even before these heinous attacks, the ACLJ had already sent a demand letter and stopped the outrageous training program that called pro-lifers terrorists. We’re in court battling FOIA lawsuits against the DOD, DOJ, FBI, and NSA over misplaced priorities that endanger America.
Our Government Affairs office is mobilizing on Capitol Hill, but we must act quickly. Biden’s Deep State will still be running all these agencies LONG after President Trump takes office unless we get his national security team confirmed quickly.
Take urgent action with us, and join our demand letter to the Senate to quickly confirm Trump’s national security team. The safety and security of our constitutional republic depend on it.