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Benghazi Bombshells: 3 Keys to Understanding the Lies, Deceptions, and Cover-Ups as Four Americans Died


Jay Sekulow

June 28, 2016

4 min read

National Security



Let me be frank. The Obama Administration, including the Secretary of State, lied.

That is the clear conclusion of the bombshell Benghazi report just released from the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Benghazi.

The report highlights the disturbing answers to a number of pressing questions we have been focused on at the ACLJ for a number of years. At the same time, the report raises new concerns about the Obama Administration’s blatant cover-up of the jihadist terrorist attack in Benghazi on September 11, 2012 – on the anniversary of the largest terrorist attack America has ever faced.

Here are just three of the disturbing facts we learned today:

  1. How many military assets were sent to Benghazi while our ambassador and his staff were under attack? Zero. None.

    Over the course of the 13 hour attack on our consulate in Benghazi not a single military asset was even set in motion – not even heading in the direction of Benghazi – as four brave Americans including our ambassador were killed.

    The Secretary of Defense reportedly ordered military assets to deploy, but none did.  Instead our soldiers were ordered to change in and out of uniforms multiple times, as the Obama Administration national security bureaucracy argued about what Libya’s government would think about soldiers with uniforms and marked cars deploying within their country.

  2. The narrative about a video spurring this deadly attack? False.

    We’ve known it all along, but the more we find out, the worse it gets. As the jihadist attack on our consulate and our Ambassador unfolded, the White House was already in full spin mode – worried that the attack, if fully understood by the American people, would undercut its narrative of fighting terrorists and Libya as a glowing example just weeks before President Obama's 2012 reelection.  Senior advisors to the President were concerned about Mitt Romney’s statements and whether Obama’s failed foreign policy would be revealed for what it was and still is – an absolutely catastrophic failure.  We even see that the Secretary of State was privately telling her daughter it was a terrorist attack carried out by an al-Qaeda like group while publicly blaming an online video.

  3. Four years later, how many of the dozens of terrorists responsible for four dead Americans have been captured? One.

    The day after the attack, President Obama promised, “We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done.”

    Only one terrorist—Ahmed Abu Khatallah—has been indicted and brought to the U.S. to face charges.

    The committee knows of no one else who has even been arrested or indicted.

It’s unbelievable – and unacceptable.

These are just three of the new revelations in the hundreds of pages in the Benghazi Report. And the more of it you read, the more you realize just how badly the Obama Administration failed in this from beginning to end – from failing to provide the security needed to failing to cooperate with Congress in a fair and thorough investigation into what led to four dead Americans.

The Administration cared more about what uniforms to use than saving American lives.  It cared more about its narrative – downplaying the threat of jihad – than saving American lives. It cared more about the political fallout than saving American lives.

Shame on you.

It’s a moral travesty, a political failure, and a constitutional abdication of duty to protect America.

Every American should understand what this report says, what it means, and what we as the American people need to do.

We’ve prepared an in-depth analysis of the entire 800-page congressional report (which was based on the testimony of 81 witnesses and over 75,000 documents).


We’re continuing to work with Members of Congress, in the courts, and through the media to hold this Administration accountable.  We must not allow this failure to happen again.  We must stop the lies.  We must cut off the Administration’s false narrative.

We will continue taking action to demand accountability and uphold the honor of the four brave Americans in Benghazi who died for our nation.

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