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Department of Defense Issues Report on Military and Religion


Jay Sekulow

June 21, 2011

2 min read

Religious Liberty




We received in our office the report from the Inspector General for the Department of Defense regarding various members of the military and their involvement in a video produced by the Christian Embassy, which is affiliated with Campus Crusade for Christ.  We represent two military officers in these proceedings.  One of our clients served as the chaplain for the entire Pentagon. 


Four generals and a number of officers appeared in a video produced by the Christian Embassy.  The Christian Embassy engages in ministry in the Congress, in the military, and in the Executive branch of the government.  The report issued by the Pentagons Inspector General recommended what they call corrective action against these military officers for their participation in the video.  We think the charges are wrong and are responding legally on behalf of our clients. 


In reviewing the report, it became apparent to me that the Inspector General painted with a very broad brush and concluded that these officers--who have served their country with dignity and honor--had violated internal policies because they were on camera and wearing their uniforms.  These officers are required to wear their uniforms.

The possible charges coming out of these proceeding could be varied.  The Department of Defense has the ability to take no action against our clients, and this is certainly what we are advocating.  I am optimistic that at the end of the day, we are legally correct.  It would be ridiculous to penalize these brave men for talking about their faith. 


In the statement issued by the Department of Defense Inspector General, the following quote appears:


          The Joint Ethics Regulations prohibits endorsement of non-Federal entities while in uniform and the Christian Embassy is a non-Federal entity. 


We think the legal conclusions of the Department of Defense Inspector General are incorrect as a matter of fact and as a matter of law.

Our Office of Government Affairs, in conjunction with Senior Counsel Skip Ash, is moving these cases forward.  Skip served in the military for 20 years, including time at the Pentagon.  We will keep you posted on the updates.



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