The Most Dangerous Weapon With Most Dangerous Country - Sekulow TV Ep. 585

December 28, 2020

Let’s be clear: Iran is unrepentant and even now proceeds unabated with its march toward acquiring a nuclear weapon. The threat of a nuclear-armed Iran is real and—barring drastic action—will take place at some point in the future. Iran’s leaders are not rational, and its deploying even a single nuclear bomb at some point is a very real existential threat to the region, to Israel, and possibly to the United States. In the past, no amount of negotiation and promise of easing sanctions against the rogue nation has halted Iran’s commitment to research and development of such weapons. Even the flawed Iran nuclear deal (JCPOA) did not stop Iran’s hiding of the AMAD program and its movement of weapons research to deep underground facilities that are difficult to strike.