The Obama-Biden Administration lied about the Iran deal. It was a disaster.
The Obama Deep State even refused to prosecute Hezbollah terrorists – Iran’s radical Islamic terrorist proxy – all to protect the Iran Deal. Iran is now racing to acquire nuclear weapons, as it profiteers from Obama’s sanctions relief.
Now the Iranian people are striving for freedom. But the Obama-Biden Iran Deal props up the repressive radical Islamic Iranian regime. Iran is tormenting its people.
The Iranian people are shouting, “Death to Hezbollah.” They want true freedom. But Iran’s ayatollahs are calling for “death to Israel” and “death to America.”
We’re supporting the Iranian people’s cry for freedom. We’ve launched our own investigation into the Obama-Biden Iran lie and the Hezbollah cover-up – filing critical legal demands of the Deep State. We must end the Obama-Biden deadly Iran deal. Take action with us.