It Appears “Lone Wolf” Jihadists Do In Fact Run in a Pack


Matthew Clark

January 17, 2017

3 min read




Yesterday the news broke that the wife of the Orlando terrorist, Omar Mateen, has been arrested on charges in connection with the jihadist attack that left 49 dead and more than 50 injured.

It has been absurdly asserted for months – by President Obama and his leftist allies with their heads in the sand – that Omar Mateen and every other terrorist attack on our soil in the last eight years was random, unconnected happenstance.  Even though the jihadists themselves publicly proclaim allegiance to ISIS (the Islamic State) or some other well-organized terrorist group AND ISIS or other said terrorist group has publicly asked jihadist to do the very thing that the jihadist then does, that somehow there is no connection.

In fact, President Obama in his farewell address had the audacity to state that “no foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland these past eight years. And although Boston and Orlando and San Bernardino and Fort Hood remind us of how dangerous radicalization can be . . . .”

This may in fact be the most boorish statement uttered by President Obama, but it is in fact the most accurate summation of the disconnect, disapprobation, and disharmony of his utter inadequacy to defend our nation from the very real threat of jihad.

The fact is, there is no such thing as a “lone wolf” radical Islamic jihadist terrorist. They adhere to the same deadly, jihadist, religious ideology of radical Islam.

This is why it comes as absolutely no surprise that another individual has been arrested in connection with the deadly terrorist attack in Orlando.

As Fox News reports:

The FBI on Monday arrested the wife of the gunman in the Pulse Nightclub massacre on charges connected to the shooting rampage, investigators confirmed to Fox News.

The June 2016 shooting, seen as the deadliest in modern U.S. history, killed 49 people and wounded dozens more. Police shot and killed gunman Omar Mateen after a three-hour standoff, during which he pledged allegiance to the Islamic State terror group.

The charges against his wife, 30-year-old Noor Salman, included aiding and abetting his attempts to support ISIS, as well as obstruction of justice.

It’s time for the willful ignorance to end. It’s the only way we can possibly defeat this clear and present danger to our national security.

Thankfully, President-elect Trump and especially his cabinet nominees have specifically made it a point to acknowledge the deadly threat of radical Islam and determine to face it head on.

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