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UPDATE: Israel in the Crosshairs


Jay Sekulow

June 8, 2011

2 min read




The violence and threats in the Middle East are intensifying.

This weekend, hundreds of Palestinians stormed across the Syrian border into Israel triggering deadly clashes.

This comes at a time when Hamas, a terrorist organization, continues to move forward with joining the Palestinian Authority in a "unity" government that really translates into additional danger for Israel.

In fact, Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh told Muslim worshipers over the weekend to pray for an end to Israel.

And, of course, Hezbollah is always eager to stoke the fires of instability in the Middle East. Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah on Monday praised the citizens who demonstrated at the Lebanese border on Sunday and promised them that their "right of return" would be realized soon.

There was swift reaction from Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who told a national television audience:  "Nobody should be mistaken. We are determined to defend our borders and sovereignty."

And he criticized the weekend protests which he said were about "undermining the very existence of Israel."

We've engaged this international issue.  I've dispatched a legal team to the Middle East - to assist those in our Jerusalem office - as disturbing developments continue with pressure being applied to the United Nations to recognize a Palestinian state.

At the same time, we're actively involved in this country - on Capitol Hill - our legislative team urging members of Congress to pull the plug on funding for the Palestinian Authority (PA).  We're sending a strong message:  NO U.S. taxpayer funds to a government that embraces the terrorist organization, Hamas.  More than $500 million dollars in U.S. funds went to the PA last year alone.

This is a critical time in the Middle East and the battle against radical Islam.  That's why I want you to have two very important resources - a powerful DVD that examines the crisis in the Middle East and a very informative booklet about the dangers of Sharia law.

These are our gifts to you.  Get the free DVD and booklet here.


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