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The Path to Peace in the Middle East


Harry G. Hutchison

February 6, 2020

3 min read




President Trump has just unveiled a major, realistic two-state peace deal for the Middle East. This is truly great news for the American people and for the people in the Middle East.

Encouragingly, both Prime Minister Netanyahu and his election rival, Blue and White party leader Benny Gantz, attended last week’s news conference announcing the new peace plan, entitled “Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People.” Equally encouragingly, President Trump said support for “peace transcends politics in Israel.”  Consistent with the goal of peace, President Trump has issued a serious plan—181 pages in length—that is the most detailed proposal ever.

This plan, if agreed to by all parties, would enable a future Palestinian state to be contiguous and united but, at the same time, the plan would not give the Palestinian’s the right to threaten Israel’s security interests. In addition, although Palestinian leaders have already rejected the proposal, representatives of the Arab states of Oman, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates, attended this week’s news conference where President Trump announced his vision for peace in the Middle East and his continuing support for Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the state of Israel. Other Arab states have also offered some cautious optimism.

The newly announced plan builds upon a 30-page economic plan for the West Bank and Gaza that was disclosed in June 2019. This extensive and thoughtful plan envisions land swaps, security improvements – including a major proposal to cut down terror attacks on Israeli settlements – as well as a recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the city of Jerusalem while allowing a Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem, and contributes to improved United States-Palestinian relations. In other words, President Trump’s Mid-East Peace Plan is a major step forward that improves the likelihood of peace and stability in one of the world’s most troubled areas.

President Trump has said: “We are not here to lecture—we are not here to tell other people how to live, what to do, who to be, or how to worship. Instead, we are here to offer partnership – based on shared interests and values – to pursue a better future for us all.”

The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) has always been a vigorous supporter of the nation of Israel’s right to exists without conditions. The ACLJ has never bowed its knee to the United Nations and its one-sided hostility toward Israel. Instead, we agree with Eric Cohen’s great claim that American society and perhaps the world faces a deep crisis of meaning to which the city, and the idea, of Jerusalem has an answer, one that is needed by Jews, and as much or more by Christians.

Strengthening our partnership with Israel unambiguously advances American interest. Please join with the ACLJ in supporting this highly original and refreshing peace plan and in supporting the continuing and enduring right of Israel to exist.

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