The Obama Administration is ratcheting up its criticism of the nation of Israel, demanding that they divide the capital city, Jerusalem - and even stop housing projects there. Not only is this a move in the wrong direction for Americas closest ally, but its also one that many believe would put Israel at further risk from terrorists. In fact, at the United Nations (U.N.), the Organization of the Islamic Conference continues to push its anti-Christian Defamation of Religions resolution as pressure builds to punish Israel for defending itself against terrorism.

Simply put, protecting Israel is our God-given responsibility. We will continue to do everything we can to preserve the interests of this nation. Stand with the ACLJ today as we send a powerful message to the White House, the U.N., and to Israel: Israel is our friend - a key ally; we MUST stand with them! Please read the form below carefully and declare your membership with the ACLJ by adding your name to our Petition for a United Jerusalem.


The White House
The United Nations
The Israeli Knesset

As a firm supporter of Israel, I oppose any demands suggesting Jerusalem be divided for any reason. In fact, giving control of part of the Holy City to Palestinians would be a disturbing move, putting Israel at even greater risk from terrorists. I also stand against any attempt by the Palestinian Authority to have the International Criminal Court take jurisdiction against Israel for alleged ''war crimes.'' Self-defense is not a war crime.

This nation has been a key ally for the United States of America for years, and that relationship must be respected and maintained. Jerusalem is Israels eternal and undivided capital - a reality that should not be negotiated away. I urge you to do whatever is necessary to protect the nation of Israel, as well as defend it from those seeking to destroy it.



Do NOT Divide Jerusalem

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