Hamas terrorists fired thousands of rockets at Israeli civilians.

The jihadists hid and fired rockets from schools, playgrounds, and heavily populated civilian areas.

Israel responded by defending its citizens.

Now, the terrorist-led Palestinian Authority (PA) has joined the International Criminal Court (ICC) to again bring false war crimes charges against Israel.

Dangerously, the ICC is considering the PA's demands to prosecute Israel.

We're preparing to submit an important amicus brief and send critical legal letters to defend Israel against this dangerous form of legal terrorism at the ICC. I've successfully presented oral arguments before the ICC's Chief Prosecutor in defense of Israel before, and we're ready to do so again. Join our call:

Petition to Stop Legal Terrorism against Israel at the ICC

To the International Criminal Court:

The terrorist-led Palestinian authority is not a “state.” Israel’s defense of its citizens against terrorism is not a war crime. Stop all false war crimes prosecutions against Israel.



Defend Israel from Terrorism at the ICC

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