It's a dangerous time in the Middle East and the need for peace has never been greater. Right now, there are those who are pushing for peace by dividing Jerusalem with part of this Holy City being controlled by the Palestinians a move that many believe would put Israel at further risk from terrorists. Please read the form below carefully and declare your membership with the ACLJ by signing our Petition for a United Jerusalem.

Petition for a United Jerusalem

President George W. Bush
The Israeli Consulate
The Israeli Knesset

As a dedicated member of the American Center for Law and Justice and a firm supporter of Israel, I decry using the Holy City of Jerusalem as a bargaining chip with terrorists. The pursuit of peace is necessary and crucial to Israel's livelihood, but not at the price of dividing Jerusalem. I stand with Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow and other freedom-loving, God-fearing members of the ACLJ in united accord on this issue. Jerusalem is the eternal and undivided capital of Israel. This reality must not be negotiated away.



A Blueprint for Peace ... Or Bargaining Chip for Terror?

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