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Youcef’s Story Reaches World’s 5th Largest Nation


Matthew Clark

February 24, 2012

2 min read

Middle East



Brazil’s Globo television network, the fourth largest television network in the world, interviewed Jordan Sekulow, ACLJ Executive Director, about the fight to save Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani’s life.

Below is a translated except of the interview:

A court ruling in Iran sparked international outrage and protests from defenders of freedom of religion. A man who converted to Christianity was sentenced to death. . . .

According to the American Center for Law and Justice – an organization that defends religious freedom in the United States and follows the case of Youcef - the conviction was upheld by the Iranian government and the execution order was given.

Jordan Sekulow, the center's director, has broadcast a radio program [about] the persecution [of] Nadarkhani.

"We do not know if he is still alive in this moment," said Sekulow. "The execution order is not publicly disclosed. The only thing that can save Nadarkhani," he says, "is international pressure, particularly from countries like Brazil, which has good diplomatic relations with Iran."

Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world with a population that is predominantly Christian, and has strong economic and diplomatic relations with Iran.

In fact, it was Brazilians who initially used the ACLJ’s Tweet for Youcef program to spread Pastor Youcef’s story throughout Latin America and have been influential in taking the call for his release around the globe.

We hope that countries around the world like Brazil will stand up for Pastor Youcef.

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