Iran continues to pose a very serious threat to freedom and security around the world. Not only have they accelerated the development of enriched uranium in order to develop nuclear weapons, theyve also blatantly defied any negotiated settlements to date. Immediate action MUST be taken to stop Iran before it's too late. We cannot wait for the United Nations to make the first move. President Obama must be steadfast in his resolve: America will NOT back down when it comes to imposing crippling sanctions on such a dangerous nation. Stand with the American Center for Law and Justice to demand that President Obama act NOW against Iran. Please read the form below carefully and declare your membership with the ACLJ by adding your name to our Demand Letter for Immediate Sanctions Against Iran.


President of the United States, Barack Obama

There is no greater danger facing the nation of Israel and any prospects for peace than the continuing actions of Iran, a nation determined to develop nuclear weapons. This is a nation that continues to threaten the United States while touting their desire to wipe Israel off the map.

Iran has already disregarded several United Nations resolutions and sanctions aimed at pressuring it to freeze uranium enrichment, but meanwhile, they have steadily expanded their program in defiance of world powers.

Enough is enough. No more dialogue. Its time for tough action against Iran in immediate response to their troubling momentum toward developing nuclear weapons. Impose crippling sanctions against Iran now and ensure that they are clearly enforced. The politicking must end, and immediate action must be taken now to stop Iran before its too late.


Middle East

Take Decisive Action Against Iran

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