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Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani Sees His Family


Matthew Clark

April 17, 2012

2 min read

Middle East



Last week Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani spent his 35th birthday in prison in Iran, illegally detained and facing execution for his faith.

What we were unable to tell you last week is a rare piece of good news for the persecuted pastor.

Our sources in Iran have confirmed to the ACLJ that Pastor Youcef was allowed to see his entire family on his birthday. This was a rare family reunion in the jail where he has been held for more than two and a half years since he was arrested for questioning the Muslim indoctrination of his children and later charged and convicted of apostasy.

Pastor Youcef was able to see his wife and two young boys. It reminds us of the small glimmer of hope that he may one day be reunited with his family as a free man.

He was also able to visit with his local Iranian attorneys, an especially rare and important meeting as he faces impending execution for his faith. One of the biggest obstacles in fighting for Pastor Youcef’s freedom is the limited access that this illegally imprisoned pastor, who essentially sits on death row, has with his attorneys.

This good news comes as more and more of the world hears of Pastor Youcef’s plight and calls for his freedom. Pastor Youcef's story has now reached over 93% of the United Nations member states. The ACLJ’s Tweet for Youcef campaign in both English and Portuguese continues to grow with daily tweets about the Christian pastor.

The ACLJ is continuing to work aggressively with national and international leaders in the fight to save Pastor Youcef’s life. Please continue to pray for his release, and share his story on Facebook and Twitter.

Update: Our sources in Iran have confirmed to the ACLJ that Pastor Youcef is still alive as of today, April 17, 2012.

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