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Jerusalem Post - US Team Slams Iran's ‘Heightened Anti-Semitism'

May 6, 2013

2 min read

Middle East



By Benjamin Weinthal, JPost.com

US Commission on International Religious Freedom finds Jews, Bahai’s, Christians, other minorities face repression.

The most egregious governmental violators of religious liberty include Iran, for its state-sponsored anti- Semitism, the US Commission on International Religious Freedom said in its 2013 report issued last week. . . .

The case of the imprisoned American-Iranian Pastor Saeed Abedini was cited in the report. Iran’s judiciary sentenced Abedini to eight years in prison for practicing Christianity. The American Center for Law and Justice, which represent Abedni’s family in the US, quoted his wife, Naghmeh, on its website:

“Saeed has internal bleeding and now issues with his kidneys because of the beatings. We believe that he is being beaten in solitary confinement. We have no way of finding out about his health. There will be no more visitations allowed and we will have no way of knowing how Saeed is doing. Saeed had previously told his family that when he was in solitary confinement in the past, that was the hardest time in his life. That every hour was like one year and that he was losing his memory and his health was deteriorating quickly. Please pray for his health and healing. Pray for his release.”. . .

You can read the entire story here.

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