This is OUTRAGEOUS. The Biden DOJ is investigating PARENTS as terrorists for standing up for their children at school board meetings.
We’ve seen parents nationwide vigorously standing up for their kids, following the Constitution to petition the government at local school board meetings and coming out in droves in recent elections.
Now, Biden’s DOJ is weaponizing the counterterrorism taskforce to “tag” and investigate parents as a “threat.” Biden Attorney General Garland misled – or LIED TO – Congress, testifying that he “couldn’t imagine” this happening – yet there’s a DOJ/FBI memo laying it out in detail.
But it gets worse. The Biden DOJ is literally comparing parents standing up for their kids – our kids – to drug lords and human traffickers.
At the ACLJ, we’ve seen this before. I defended pro-lifers decades ago when the federal government tried to frivolously prosecute pro-life protesters under RICO statutes as organized crime. We won. And just a few years ago, the Obama-Biden IRS and Lois Lerner tried to use the FBI and DOJ to “piece together” “criminal charges” against conservative groups. We defeated them in court. Now we’re needed MORE THAN EVER to do it again.
We already have a team of lawyers looking into this, and we’re ready to go to court if necessary to defend parents – YOU – from President Biden’s radical targeting. Concerned parents are not a threat. We’re defending parents, and we need YOU.