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Radio Recap – The Fight Against the Deep State Continues: ACLJ Files in Unmasking Case


Jordan Sekulow

May 18, 2020

The fight against the Deep State continues. The ACLJ files in federal court.

On today’s Jay Sekulow Live we discussed our work here at the ACLJ and the continued fight against the Deep State.

Today, we are filing in federal court as part of our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit to try and produce the documents from the government on the unmasking. The ACLJ has been on this. In fact, we’ve actually been working on this for years now.

This is not something new for us. This is not something we’re just reporting or discussing. We’ve been involved with this from the start.

My dad, Jay Sekulow, made the following point:

We’re actually filing in federal court today. We are literally working in court today fighting over that whole issue of when you get documents, they redact them or they don’t provide you the documents at all. So we’re going to get to the bottom of what was going on here, but we know a lot already.

What we know is unbelievably troubling. It is everyone from former U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power, all the way to former Vice-President Joe Biden. In the course of thinking this through, I cannot imagine the justification for all these unmaskings to the last day, the last hours, of the Obama Administration.

ACLJ Senior Counsel Andy Ekonomou talked about there being no justification for the unmaskings:

There is no justification except for snooping and wanting to see who is coming in, what are they saying, and how can we discredit them? What possible reason? And the Secretary of the Treasury is an example or the U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of San Marino, would they want to know the identities of the American persons who were involved and intercepted in foreign intelligence eavesdropping on foreign parties. What possible reason would you want to know that except try to discredit them or try to find out what was going on in the incoming Trump Administration? You really had no legitimate business knowing.

Washington is now taking a look at this, especially Senator Lindsey Graham.

ACLJ Director of Government Affairs Thann Bennett made the following point:

Senator Graham has announced that he’s going to do a series of investigations.

The filing that we’re going to make today is going to speak directly to one of the questions that I think Senator Graham should be asking and I’m confident that he will. That’s the fact that why has the Deep State, the bureaucracy, continued to give people like the ACLJ these Glomar responses, refusing to admit or even acknowledge that there are records?

We have caught them now because that release of names included at least seven State Department officials so they can no longer give us that response. They have acknowledged that there are records that were responsive to our request. In fact there are at least seven State Department employees among those thirty-nine that were released last week.

As we continue to litigate, we’ve always said that’s one of the pieces; the other piece has to be Congress. Senator Graham has said he’s going to go for it. You’re going to put those together and it’s already breathtaking how sweeping it is going to be. It continues to grow every single day.

The entire broadcast is complete with more in-depth discussion of our filing in federal court about the unmasking, as well as further analysis of what really happened with the General Flynn matter.

Watch the full broadcast below.

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