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Radio Recap - Report: Deep State Ties to Schiff’s “Whistleblower” Emerge

Radio Recap - Report: Deep State Ties to Schiff’s “Whistleblower” Emerge


Jay Sekulow

November 1, 2019

Reports are beginning to emerge on House Intel Committee Chairman Adam Schiff’s alleged “whistleblower.”

On today’s show we discussed the reporting by Real Clear Investigations about Adam Schiff’s so-called “whistleblower.”

Shortly before we went on the air yesterday the House voted to pass H.Res. 660. That resolution outlines the procedures for formalizing the faulty impeachment inquiry. There are three phases to this. Phase one is the Intelligence Committee investigation which is done in secret, as if it were a Grand Jury investigation except that it’s not. No lawyers are allowed to participate from the President or agency lawyers. No cross-examination of witnesses is allowed because no lawyers are in there.

The second phase as described in the resolution will be live testimony before the House Intel Committee. Again, there will be no lawyers from the President, White House Counsel or private. The third phase will be a proceeding before the Judiciary Committee where there will be an allowance of counsel at the Chair’s discretion. Basically, what that means is if you invoke your right to constitutional privilege, the Chair may revoke your right to participate.

ACLJ Senior Counsel and Director of Policy Harry Hutchison described what the House Majority is doing:

Essentially what they are offering is the absence of Anglo-American jurisprudence. If you go back even before the creation of the United States, you were entitled to basic due process. The Democrats are denying that.

This is where we currently are. Now we’re getting reports on this so-called “whistleblower” from Real Clear Investigations (part of Real Clear Politics) which, if accurate, tells us how we got here.

The article has a very interesting timeline and there is an overlap between the Russia collusion investigation and this individual who is the so-called “whistleblower” on the Ukraine call. The “whistleblower” was not actually on the actual call.

According the report, the “whistleblower” was a CIA analyst who worked at the White House detailed to the National Security Council starting back in 2015 under the Obama Administration. He reportedly worked most closely with Vice-President Biden and Director John Brennan.

He then gets held over to the Trump Administration in 2017. What held over means is one continues to work even though there’s a change in the Administration. He was still there around the time that disgraced FBI Director James Comey was fired.

In mid-2017 he was sent back to Langley because he reportedly was leaking information to other agencies regarding the President’s meetings with Russian diplomats and other issues. The report says that the “whistleblower” contributed to the “Putin Fired Comey” narrative.

This individual wasn’t even in the building during the Ukraine call, which is the root of this impeachment inquiry.

The report details that a member of Adam Schiff’s staff is actually friends with this so-called “whistleblower,” hired just before the complaint was filed in August of this year. Remember that Adam Schiff said that neither he, nor a member his staff, had spoken with the “whistleblower” and that was found to be a lie? This is very important.

This report, according to ACLJ Director of Government Affairs Thann Bennett, shows that “this was all pre-coordinated”.

Why would Adam Schiff prevent the “whistleblower” from testifying? Could it be that he is trying to prevent his pre-coordination from coming out?

This report and the fact that the so-called “whistleblower” hasn’t testified and isn’t likely to, says a lot.

You can listen to our full analysis of the Real Clear Investigations report, which includes a detailed timeline, here.

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