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IRS Threatens NEW Whistleblower with Criminal Investigation


Logan Sekulow

May 23, 2023

You can’t make it up folks.

Yet another whistleblower from the IRS has come forward to report how the agency retaliated against him for EXPOSING RETALIATION WITHIN THE AGENCY. Just another unbelievable revelation in the ongoing saga of the Hunter Biden tax fraud investigation and the clandestine attempts by the Deep State to cover for the entire Biden family.

As it’s being reported:

A second IRS whistleblower has alleged retaliation for raising concerns that Justice Department leadership was “acting inappropriately” on the investigation into Hunter Biden, the Washington Examiner has learned.

The allegations from an IRS case agent come a month after an IRS supervisory special agent revealed to Congress politics had infected the case involving President Joe Biden’s son.

Both whistleblowers were removed from the federal investigation into possible Hunter Biden tax violations this month. Communications obtained by the first whistleblower’s lawyers show that the second whistleblower was threatened with allegations of criminal conduct after raising concerns about the handling of Hunter Biden’s case.

It certainly appears like the assurances of IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel that there would be no retaliation against whistleblowers were just a smokescreen. If you expose the corruption and political bias within the agency, you will likely be punished – one way or another.

The previous whistleblower’s attorneys sent a letter accusing the agency of threatening their client, charging him with violating federal law, simply for coming forward and exposing their bad behavior:

[T]he IRS has proceeded to take further actions against our client and others in an apparent attempt to intimidate and prevent them from making similar disclosures. . . .

Our client has become aware that the case agent on the case, which our client supervises, also sent a protected disclosure directly to IRS Commissioner Werfel this week. The IRS responded by raising the baseless and absurd prospect that his email to the Commissioner may have violated Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e) restrictions on disclosing grand jury proceedings. It did not. The email simply raised reasonable, good faith concerns to his chain of command, including Commissioner Werfel, about the removal of an entire investigative team from the case—which some of them have worked diligently for almost five years—before it has been resolved.

It is your constitutional duty to act as a check on Executive Branch abuse and ensure that the limits on appropriated funds and statutory whistleblower protections you have enacted have real meaning. Failing to act would send a chillingly clear message that discourages other whistleblowers from providing you with information and encourages retaliators to keep silencing employees without fear of scrutiny or consequences.

This is how far the Deep State IRS is willing to sink to protect Hunter Biden and the President himself. It’s truly disturbing.

Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes more analysis of this latest revelation in the long and twisting saga of Hunter Biden. We’re also joined by ACLJ Senior Advisor – and former Acting Director of National Intelligence – Ric Grenell to discuss our ongoing case against the Biden Administration and current DNI Avril Haines for disregarding our FOIA request.

Watch the full broadcast below:

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