The Deep State is destroying our constitutional republic from the inside.

You see the corruption in the headlines almost every single day, but it feels like these lawless federal bureaucracies are untouchable – accountable only to the radical Left.

Now the far Left is trying to block whistleblowers from bringing this lawlessness to light.

You've seen them testifying before Congress: brave men and women in the FBI, DOJ, IRS, and other Deep State agencies willing to come forward – risking their careers – to defend the Constitution.

The Deep State is unleashing a regime of illegal fear tactics to keep them quiet – punishing them without pay for years, taking away security clearances for no reason, and threatening to bring charges against them.

The only thing standing between this extreme lawlessness and the malicious undermining of our Constitution are these brave whistleblowers.

The ACLJ's Government Accountability Project has been building for years – filing lawsuits against the Deep State and submitting dozens of FOIA requests. Now we are directly defending whistleblowers. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, and we're cleaning house. We've launched a whistleblower defense initiative to legally represent brave whistleblowers who come forward with evidence of corruption and lawlessness and to prevent the Deep State from shutting them down. But we need you to join us in the fight.

Petition To Protect Brave Whistleblowers and Defend the Constitution Against the Deep State


Defend Brave Whistleblowers Exposing Deep State Corruption

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