President Biden is trying to illegally destroy the conservative movement. That means you.

Biden's DHS is using a $40-million, taxpayer-funded grant program meant for fighting terrorists to maliciously target conservatives, Christians, and the Republican Party.

They have recklessly labeled Fox News, the Christian Broadcasting Network, the Republican National Committee, Charlie Kirk, and Turning Point USA, among many others, as the worst extremist hate groups, calling them "paths to extremism" and demanding they be deplatformed and canceled. Biden is literally trying to shut down any opposing viewpoints.

This is how liberty dies.

We're filing the largest lawsuit against Biden we've ever undertaken, representing two major leaders in the conservative movement who have been egregiously and unjustly targeted: Charlie Kirk and Turning Point USA.

If we are going to save our constitutional republic, it starts now. It starts with this lawsuit. But to have the resources we need for this massive legal undertaking – representing some of the biggest names in the conservative movement – we are going to need each and every one of you. Take action with us.

Petition To Defeat Biden's Attempt to Shut Down the Conservative Movement


Defeat Biden's Attempt to Destroy Liberty

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